onsdag 17 april 2013

passa på: Lämna in dina synpunkter om Tunnelbana till Nacka

Just nu pågår en utredning om nya tunnelbanadragningar till Nacka. Detta kommer att ha stor inflytande på hur staden kommer att utvecklas.
Man kan lämna in sina synpunkter på följande länk:
Tunnelbana till Nacka - SLL:

'via Blog this'

tisdag 16 april 2013

Kulturnatt Stockholm: framtidens boende på Kulturhuset

Åk1 på Arkitekturskolan vill härmed bjuda in er till projektrevyer och föreläsning/ debatt/ finissage om framtidens boende på Kulturhuset denna vecka och lördagen den 20/4.

fredag 5 april 2013

lecture by Liza Fior of muf architecture/ art! April 10, 10.00-12.00

Warm welcome to the lecture by Liza Fior of muf architecture/ art!

on Wednesday, April 10, 10.00-12.00 at A2, School of Architecture, Östermalmsgatan 26.

smart geometry conference in London

sg2013 London

sg2013 Conference Day 1: TALKSHOP
Friday 19 April  

On the first day of the conference, the Talkshop is an opportunity to share perspectives, open debates, pose questions, challenge orthodoxies and propose new ideas in informal and open discussions between workshop cluster champions, leading practitioners in various fields of expertise and emerging talents in digital design. This series of round table discussions asks why we are turning our attention right now to the topic of uncertainty, and what are the new challenges and possibilities for design and construction practices within the built environment. 

sg2013 Conference Day 2: SYMPOSIUM
Saturday 20 April  

Following this year's challenge, Constructing for Uncertainty, invited keynote speakers will showcase major projects that explore the range of ways uncertainty (physical, social, environmental, economic) informs design. This second day of the conference, the Symposium, is a unique opportunity to hear insights into the challenges ahead for the discipline.


måndag 1 april 2013

open lectures April 2013

20. April : 16.00, Hörsalen, Kulturhuset.

MVRDV, Jacob van Rijs

 Jacob van Rijs is a Dutch architect and founder of the office MVRDV together with Winy Maas and Nathalie de Vries. MVRDV works with architectural and urban designs, master plans and research projects. Current projects in progress include housing projects in the Netherlands, Spain, China, France, Austria, the United Kingdom and USA, a television centre for Zürich, a public library in Spijkenisse, Netherlands, a central market hall in Rotterdam, a culture plaza in Nanjing, China, large scale urban masterplans in Oslo, Tirana and Logrono, Spain. MVRDV also works on the masterplan for Greater Paris.
Kl 16.00 föreläsning Jacob van Rijs, MVRDV
Kl 17.00 debatt om förtätning av innerstaden
Kl 18.00 finissage utställningen Bo i Stockholm city!, Lilla Galleriet, Kulturhuset

for more activities see culture night stockholm 

22 april, 10.00-17.00. Liljevalchs, Djurgårdsvägen 60.

Seminariedag om offentlig konst i Stockholm med internationella utblickar

Välkommen till en seminariedag om den offentliga konstens förutsättningar i Stockholm, med internationella utblickar.
Stockholm konst arrangerar ett inspirerande heldagsseminarium om offentlig konst i stadsmiljö. Programmet handlar om den offentliga konstens förutsättningar och sammanhang.
Frågor som diskuteras är bland andra: Hur blir offentlig konst till i praktiken? Vilka problem kan uppstå när konstnärliga värden bryts mot juridik, politik och praktisk verklighet? Vad och hur kan man göra för att lösa problemen? Hur fungerar LOU i konstnärliga sammanhang? Bland seminariedagens medverkande finns bland annat arkitekter, konstnärer, jurister, projektplanerare och beslutsfattare.

Kostnad: 200 kr
Förmiddagskaffe, lunch och eftermiddagskaffe ingår i avgiften.
Anmäl dig till: osa.liljevalchs@... 
För mer information besök stockholmkonst.se
Seminariedagen övergår direkt i vernissage för utställningen Konsten & staden.

23 april, 17-19. Föreläsningssal E3, KTH, Osquarsbacke 14.

Collaborative planning and architecture - opportunity or nightmare?

Markus Miessen

Markus Miessen is an architect and writer who has e.g. been teaching at the Architectural Association in London and the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam. He is the author of books like "The Nightmare of Participation" (Sternberg Press, 2010).
Involving citizen in planning is motivated with democratic and efficiency arguments. Critics claim that participative processes rarely are what they seem to be - officials are instead using these tools to avoid responsibility or to legitimize their own projects. Some meen that we need other instruments than "dialogues" in order to question and rearrange power-structures. On the seminar some perspectives on the opportunities and pitfalls with participation will be discussed.
Markus Miessen, föreläsning med efterföljande samtal.
Föreläsningssal E3, KTH, Osquarsbacke 14 kl 17-19
Föreläsningen arrangeras i samarbete med Stadsbyggnadsakademin.
För Sveriges Arkitektförening, Ola Broms Wessel och Meike Schalk.

25 april, 18.00. Konstakademien, Fredsgatan 12.

The day we drove too far

Katrin Greiling

 Studio Greiling is a Stockholm based office, working with furniture design, interior architecture and photography. Katrin Greiling (b. 1978 in Germany) studied carpentry and cabinet-making at Capellagården and furniture design and interior architecture at Konstfack.
After graduating in 2005, she started her global exploration, living both in the Middle East and in Indonesia. During her time in Dubai she created the award winning sofa series Bidoun, designed the No Time Bracelet for Design House Stockholm, and began her contributions as a photographer to numerous international publications. Since 2010, Greiling is back in Stockholm, managing her independent design and photography studio, working with clients such as Claesson Koivisto Rune, Design House Stockholm, Droog, Kvadrat, Offecct and Wallpaper.
Recent work is the sofa serie Tata which is the outcome of a research project in Indonesia. In her work she use her experiences of living abroad, encountering a different civilization as an outsider and learning from its habits and expressions.
För Stockholms Arkitektförening, Anna von Schewen & Rebecka Tarschys.