måndag 23 maj 2011
lördag 21 maj 2011
onsdag 18 maj 2011
events nästa vecka
Richard Plunz: "New Urbanization Paradigms: Challenging Given Knowledge"Richard Plunz har undervisat vid Rensselaer och Pennsylvania State University och varit gästprofessor vi Katholieke Universiteit Leuven och Politecnico di Torino. Han var också ansvarig för avdelningen för arkitektur vid Columbia mellan 1977-1980 och har varit ledare för Urban Design programmet sedan 1992. Plunz forskning om arkitektur och stadsplanering i Italien, Turkiet och USA har fått stöd från bland andra Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, New York State Council on the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, och JM Kaplan Fund. År 1991 mottog han Andrew J. Thomas Award från American Institute of Architects för sitt arbete med bostäder. Föreläsningen arrangeras av Bojan Boric / Urban Studio.
Tid: On 2011-05-25 kl 18.00
Plats: KTH Arkitekturskolan, Sal A2
Richard Plunz: "New Urbanization Paradigms: Challenging Given Knowledge"Richard Plunz har undervisat vid Rensselaer och Pennsylvania State University och varit gästprofessor vi Katholieke Universiteit Leuven och Politecnico di Torino. Han var också ansvarig för avdelningen för arkitektur vid Columbia mellan 1977-1980 och har varit ledare för Urban Design programmet sedan 1992. Plunz forskning om arkitektur och stadsplanering i Italien, Turkiet och USA har fått stöd från bland andra Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, New York State Council on the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, och JM Kaplan Fund. År 1991 mottog han Andrew J. Thomas Award från American Institute of Architects för sitt arbete med bostäder. Föreläsningen arrangeras av Bojan Boric / Urban Studio.
Tid: On 2011-05-25 kl 18.00
Plats: KTH Arkitekturskolan, Sal A2
Slutkritik årskurs 1
Ettornas slutkritik blir i år på Konstfack.
Tid: Ti 2011-05-31 kl 09.00 - Fr 2011-06-01 kl 16.00
Plats: Konstfack
Slutkritik årskurs 2
Tvåornas slutkritik blir i år på Tekniska Nämndhuset, Fleminggatan 4. Öppet hus måndag 23 maj.
Tid: To 2011-05-19 kl 09.00 - Fr 2011-05-20 kl 16.00
Plats: Tekniska Nämndhuset (Fleminggatan 4)
Slutkritik årskurs 3
Också treornas slutkritik blir i år på Tekniska Nämndhuset, Fleminggatan 4.
Tid: Ti 2011-05-24 kl 09.00 - On 2011-05-25 kl 16.00
Plats: Tekniska Nämndhuset, Fleminggatan 4
Release KTHA #2
Det nya numret av KTHA – som utöver texter av Penelope Haralambidou, Elizabeth Hatz, Kalle Samulesson, Daniel Koch, Anders Bergström, Katarina Bonnevier, Lars Marcus och Tim Anstey innehåller skolans årsbok – har nu kommit. Release med textpresentationer, friexemplar, bubbel(vatten) och punsch(rullar) samt dagdisco (DJ:s Daniel Norell och Staffan Lundgren).
Tid: Fr 2011-05-27 kl 15.30 - 17.30
Plats: Triangeln, KTH Arkitekturskolan
tisdag 17 maj 2011
föreläsning och vernissage
17 maj
Kl 18.00. Konstakademien, Fredsgatan 12.
Kl 18.00. Konstakademien, Fredsgatan 12.
För Stockholms Arkitektförening, Boel Hellman.
I samarbete med Konstakademien.
tisdag 10 maj 2011
CALL FOR IDEAS – deadline 26th of June 2011
CALL FOR IDEAS – deadline 26th of June 2011
React to new challenges for urban space design of PARIS (FR), CLUJ (RO) and KAISERSLAUTERN (DE)
In which ways can architects and urban planners influence a equitable and social city? Which practices
can form answers for sustainable urban development? How can new cross-border co-operations look like?
find new strategies to foster better social coherence in the banlieue of Paris!
develop innovative solutions for the desolated industrial area of Cluj!
develop innovative solutions for the deserted city centre of Kaiserslautern!__________________________________________________________________________________________
Give us an impression of YOUR vision using 200 words and one image!
A jury formed by wonderland board members and local organisation partners will honour the most innovative,
motivated and interesting ideas and join 3 international teams for each project space. The selected teams will
be invited to participate in the project space and will receive a travel contribution for their expenses and
receive the opportunity to become a wonderland member for the next two years for free and benefit
from our services!
Interested? Please register on www.wonderland.cx and submit your entry by e-mail as soon as possible. Feel
free to spread the word around the world and send this call to friends and colleagues!
The deadline for submissions is the 26th of June 2011.
Looking forward for your interesting entries!
Download here the full PRESSKIT: www.wonderland.cx/media/pdf/call-for-ideas.zip
W O N D E R L A N Dplatform for european architecture
Weyringergasse 36/8
1040 Vienna / Austria
+43 680 32 599 06
skype: wonderlandsurveyfacebook: Wl Gruppenverwalter
React to new challenges for urban space design of PARIS (FR), CLUJ (RO) and KAISERSLAUTERN (DE)
In which ways can architects and urban planners influence a equitable and social city? Which practices
can form answers for sustainable urban development? How can new cross-border co-operations look like?
- Paris – Saint Denis (FR)
find new strategies to foster better social coherence in the banlieue of Paris!
develop innovative solutions for the desolated industrial area of Cluj!
develop innovative solutions for the deserted city centre of Kaiserslautern!__________________________________________________________________________________________
Give us an impression of YOUR vision using 200 words and one image!
A jury formed by wonderland board members and local organisation partners will honour the most innovative,
motivated and interesting ideas and join 3 international teams for each project space. The selected teams will
be invited to participate in the project space and will receive a travel contribution for their expenses and
receive the opportunity to become a wonderland member for the next two years for free and benefit
from our services!
Interested? Please register on www.wonderland.cx and submit your entry by e-mail as soon as possible. Feel
free to spread the word around the world and send this call to friends and colleagues!
The deadline for submissions is the 26th of June 2011.
Looking forward for your interesting entries!
Download here the full PRESSKIT: www.wonderland.cx/media/pdf/call-for-ideas.zip
W O N D E R L A N Dplatform for european architecture
Weyringergasse 36/8
1040 Vienna / Austria
+43 680 32 599 06
skype: wonderlandsurveyfacebook: Wl Gruppenverwalter
lördag 7 maj 2011
CTBUH 2011 International Student Design Competition!!!
CTBUH 2011 International Student Design Competition
Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) is pleased to invite students from around the world to take part in the CTBUH 2011 Student Design Competition: Why Tall?
It aims to shed new light on the meaning and value of tall buildings in modern society from the perspectives of green, safety, and humanity.
Tall buildings are no longer just mere representations of modern cities; they are an integral part of our everyday life. They have expanded their role from providing space for commercial purposes to also include satisfying residential needs. They are fast becoming an important feat of human engineering, as they meet the growing demands of urban dwelling and reshaping the landscape of modern cities.
Now is the time to redefine the meaning and value of tall buildings in our modern society, by highlighting the aspects of green, safety, and humanity in tall buildings. In light of global climate change, public awareness of urban sustainability has forced designers to rethink and reinvent the role of the high-rise building type. They must contribute to the protection of endangered environments and offer sustainable alternatives to how cities operate.
Some of the multi-layered elements that participants should take into consideration include: the use of new materials, technologies, aesthetics, and novel spatial organizations, studies on globalization, flexibility, adaptability, and the digital revolution. This is also an investigation on public and private space and the role of the individual and the collective in the creation of a dynamic and adaptive vertical community.
There are no restrictions on site, program or size, although the project should be based on a "real" site(s) in a real location. The objective is to provide maximum freedom to the participants in proposing imaginative design ideas for new constructions.
ú The competition is open to all students who are registered at Universities.
ú The official language of the competition is English.
ú This is an anonymous competition and the registration number is the only means of identification.
ú Contacting the Jury is prohibited.
ú Entrants will be disqualified if any of the competition rules are not considered.
ú Participation assumes acceptance of the regulations.
ú Friday, April 1, 2011 – Competition announcement
ú Friday, August 12, 2011 – Registration Deadline
ú Wednesday, August 31, 2011 – Project submission deadline
ú Friday, September 30, 2011 – Short-listed Finalists announced
ú Tuesday, October 11, 2011 – Winners will be announced at the CTBUH 2011 World Conference in Seoul, Korea
ú 1 First Prize: US $5,000 and a certificate
ú 1 Second Prize: US $2,000 and a certificate
ú 1 Third Prize: US $1,000 and a certificate
ú 7 Honorable Mentions: Certificates
ú Exhibition: Selected entries will be exhibited at the CTBUH 2011 World Conference in Seoul, Korea.
All university students are invited to participate in the design competition. Multidisciplinary teams are strongly encouraged.
ú Participants must register FREE online to receive their registration number. http://competition.ctbuh.org
ú All team members must submit proof of active student status. Email a scanned copy of your student ID or other verification to competition@ctbuh.org
ú After your registration and student status has been approved, the CTBUH will issue you a registration number which will be necessary for the final submission.
ú There is no limit as to the number of participants per team; however, each individual must be registered. Individual entries are accepted.
SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTSThis is a digital competition and no hardcopies are necessary. Entrants must submit their proposal via the CTBUH FTP no later than August 31, 2011 (23:00 hours US Eastern Time). FTP Login and password will be sent to you by email after you have successfully registered for the competition.
The project submission must contain the following files:
ú One A0 board which includes: the project concept, diagrams, plans, sections, and perspectives.
1. The board should be ISO A0 (1189mm x 841mm) in HORIZONTAL format.
2. The resolution of the board must be 150 dpi, RGB mode and saved as JPG file.
3. Entry must contain your unique registration number in the upper right corner of the board (use Arial 18pt font). There should NOT be any names, affiliations or any other forms of identification on the board.
4. The digital file must be named after the registration number. For example: CTBUH11-001.jpg.
ú A .DOC file containing the project statement (A4 1-page).
1. This .doc file must be named after the registration number followed by the word "statement". For example: CTBUH11-001-CONCEPT.doc.
ú A .DOC file containing the entrants' personal information, including name, address, and email.
1. This file must be named after the registration number followed by the word "NAME". For example: CTBUH11-001-NAME.doc.
ú All the files must be placed in a ZIP folder named after your registration number. For example: CTBUH11-001.zip
Will be announced in April
To assist with the judging process, a series of judging criteria is defined in four categories as outline below.
Creative Approach:
ú The design response is innovative and inspirational
ú The design responds to the environmental aspects of site
Response to site:
ú The design responds to the physical aspects of site
ú The design responds to the environmental aspects of site
ú The design considers the building's environmental impact and energy use
ú The design considers social sustainability, occupant lifestyle and well-being
ú Planning and building organization is clear and appropriate
ú There is a clear structural, technical and constructional rationale
During the judging process, judges will be asked to take into consideration CTBUH Founder, Lynn Beedle's definition of a tall building as "a building in which 'tallness' strongly influences planning, design and use."
ABOUT CTBUH (Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat)
ABOUT CTBUH (Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat)
Founded in 1969, the Council's mission is to disseminate multi-disciplinary information on tall buildings and sustainable urban environments, to maximize the international interaction of professionals involved in creating the built environment, and to make the latest knowledge available to professionals in a useful form.
The Council is an international not-for-profit organization supported by architecture, engineering, planning, development and construction professionals. The CTBUH is the world's leading body in the field of tall buildings and the recognized source of information on tall buildings internationally. It is the arbiter of the criteria upon which tall building height is measured, and thus the title of "The World's Tallest Building" determined.
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måndag 2 maj 2011
Alternativ arkitektur arkitekturmuseet 3. maj 2011
Fyra samtal och två föreläsningar
Under en eftermiddag och en kväll medverkar 14 internationella arkitektpraktiker i en serie samtal och presentationer om en disciplin i förändring.
http://www.arkitekturmusee t.se/program/alternativ-ar kitektur/
Se även Stockholms arkitektförenings event för föreläsningarna kl 18 & 19:
http://www.facebook.com/ev ent.php?eid=18363196834936 3
Under en eftermiddag och en kväll medverkar 14 internationella arkitektpraktiker i en serie samtal och presentationer om en disciplin i förändring.
Se även Stockholms arkitektförenings event för föreläsningarna kl 18 & 19:
Aktuellt på KTH Arkitekturskolan
DDWS + CSW:Performative Shells
Modeller från DDWS (Digital Design Workshop) och CSW (Case Study Workshop) ställs ut i Triangel, Östermalmsgatan 26.
Öppning fredag 6 maj 15.00. Utställningen pågår till 23 maj
Dana Cuff: "Architecture & The Politics Of Urban Space"
Dan Cuff är grundare av cityLAb, ett forskningscentra vid UCLA, som utforskar de utmaningar som storstaden i det tjugonde århundradet står inför. Hennes arbete inriktar sig på frågor kring stadsbyggnad, socialt byggande och platsens politik.
Tisdag 10 maj, 18.00 - 20.00, Konstakademien, Fredsgatan 12. I samarbete med Stockholms arkitektförening.
Release för KTHA#2
Release för nya numret av KTH Arkitekturskolans tidskrift KTHA. Numret innehåller bland annat texter om Archigram, arkitekturens död, biblioteksarkitektur, tidskriften Spektrum, Google och Domenico Fontana.
Torsdag 12 maj, 16.00 - 17.30, Arkitekturbiblioteket, KTH Arkitekturskolan.
Lärare och forskare från KTH Arkitekturskolan medverkar i två aktuella evenemang:
I utställningen "Function: Mathematics in Architecture" som visas på FFAR medverkar Pablo Miranda Carranza, Marcelyn Gow, Ulrika Karlsson och Frida Rosenberg. Utställningen presenteras 3 maj, 18.30 på FFAR, Ringvägen 141.
I "Alternativ arkitektur – fyra samtal och två föreläsningar" på arkitekturmuseet medverkar Tor Lindstrand, Helena Matsson och Meike Schalk. "Alternativ arkitektur" äger rum 3 maj, 13.00-20.00 på Arkitekturmuseet.
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