tisdag 30 november 2010
Onsdag 1:a December: Seminarium 17.30, Föreläsning 18:00 med Sara Gran om Hållbar Arkitektur
fredag 26 november 2010
Tuesday 30/11, 9.15: Creating /terra nullius/: The long shadow of colonialism in planning
Libby Porter teaches and researches in city planning at the University of Glasgow, in Scotland. She is the author of /Unlearning the Colonial Cultures of Planning/ (with Ashgate 2010), and co-editor with Kate Shaw of /Whose Urban Renaissance? An international comparison of urban regeneration policies/ (with Routledge 2009). She is Assistant Editor of the journal Planning Theory and Practice, and co-founder and coordinator of Planners Network UK. Before joining the academic community in Australia and now the UK, Libby was a senior researcher on urban and planning policy with the Victorian State Government, Australia.
Time and Venue
"Sydvästra Galleriet",
KTH Main Library,
Tuesday 30:e november 2010,
fredag 19 november 2010
Onsdag 24/11 18.00: CaseyFierro Architects / Reshaping Poplar

Caseyfierro Architects is a practice established in 2006 and located in Darmouth Park, North London. Both Partners have gained expertise in the design and delivery of significant large scale projects within the UK. Their design methodology explores projects from both macro and micro scales developing solutions from the profound understanding of those issues that constrain or otherwise provide potential, using these to advantage in the final proposition. The resulting architecture is created from the unique context rather than any particular house style.
The practice has commissions designing buildings in both urban and rural settings within the UK for clients in the public sector, housing, entertainment, commercial, church and arts as well as private individuals. The range of projects encompasses private houses to 100-hectare urban master planning concepts.
“We believe that strong communications is vital in the implementation of any design project. Our aim is to explore all design potentials using all available techniques to represent ideas. We like working in a flexible way using models, animation and conceptual drawings to do so. This often leads to a good dialogue with clients at an early stage of every project.”
Reshaping Poplar:
“Investigation into the opportunities of development on a number of estates under the umbrella of Reshaping Poplar, a framework strategy responding to the need for unified development between the client, Poplar HARCA (RSL) the London Borough of Tower Hamlets and other potential stakeholders. The investigation explores options for incremental development, intensification and decanting methodologies. The proposed improvements changing the local population social mix will help improve the sustainability of social and community facilities at present not sustainable.
The framework proposes a joint approach to the management of assets by all stakeholders and proposes revisions to established council and GLA London policy through the profound depth of analysis and understanding of the financial viability.”
onsdag 17 november 2010
onsdag 10 november 2010
HdM Tisdag 16. November kl 17! OBS VAR DÄR I TID!
tisdag 9 november 2010
Ornament i Arkitekturen: Onsdag 10/11
måndag 8 november 2010
Ornament i arkitekturen
Föreläsning i anslutning (ca kl 18)
Vi kommer att behandla frågan om ornamentets roll och betydelse i arkitekturen och diskutera dess betydelse för den samtida arkitekturen.
BDA-Architekturforum in Hamburg / Hamburg – Kopenhagen – Stockholm - Architektur und Architekten - News / Meldungen / Nachrichten - BauNetz.de
TIPS:Stadsbyggnadsakademin 9/11 kl 17
- Stadsbyggnadsakademin: Hållbar stadsutveckling – vad ska vi forska om då?
Tid: Ti 2010-11-09 kl 17.00Katja Grillner, Carl-Johan Engström och Maria Håkansson (KTH), Örjan Wikforss (IVA/Sveriges Arkitekter) och Eva Hägglund (Sveriges kommuner och landsting).
Plats: Sydvästra galleriet, KTH
Typ: Seminarier - Jacques Herzog: "Herzog & de Meuron Architectures"
Tid: Ti 2010-11-16 kl 17.00Föreläsning och efterföljande diskussion om städer och arkitektur med inbjudna representanter från stat, komun, landsting och näringsliv samt studenter från KTH Arkitektursk
Plats: Nedre ateljén, KTH Arkitekturskolan
Typ: Föreläsningar