I samarbetet med Spanska ambassaden arkitekturskolan under våren presenterar en rad arkitekter som representerar olika tendenser i den samtida spanska arkitekturen sitt arbete.
Vi börjar 20 januari kl 16 med Patxi Mangado i Nedré Ateljén, arkitektskolan, Han fick förra månaden det finaste priset i spansk arkitektur för Spanska Pavillonen i Zaragoza Expo och är bland annat professor i Yale, Earno Saarinen chair, och i Barcelona arkitektskola. Efter föreläsningen följer ett samtal mellan Patxi Mangado, Joan Celsing, Bolle Tham och Martin Videgård om samtida spansk och svensk arkitektur med Jesús Azpeitia som moderator.
Spanish Pavilion for Expo Zaragoza 2008
Patxi Mangado. Born in Navarra in 1957. He graduated in 1982 as an architect from the University of Navarra´s Superior School of Architecture, and has since developed his pedagogical career as professor there, as well as teaching at the University of Texas at Arlington, Texas, Harvard´s Graduate School of Design and the International University of Catalunya among others. He currently holds the Eero Saarinen Visiting Professor of Architecture Chair at Yale´s School of Architecture and is a Studio Professor in the Master of Architectural Design at the Architecture School of the University of Navarra.
He has received, among others, the Andrea Palladio Architecture Prize, the Architecture Thiene, the Architecti prize, the CEOE Prize and the FAD among others. More recently he has received Prize in Saloni´s 2007 Architecture Prizes and he has obtained the Enor of Architecture 2007 Grand Prize for the “Nueva Balastera” Football Stadium in Palencia, First Prize in the 7th Architecture Ceremic ASCER 2008 for the Spain Pavillion in Expo Zaragoza and Second Prize ATEG of Galvanization in Construction for the New Technologies Training Center of Galicia.
Den andre gästen i föreläsningsserien "Spanien nu! | España ahora!" är
José Ignacio Linazasoro
Plats: KTH Arklitekturskolan, Nedre ateljén
Tid: 2010-01-21 kl 16.00
Jonathan Hill, "Weather Architecture–Submitting to the Season".
Föreläsning den 28 januari, Nedre ateljén, 17.00.
Jonathan Hill är professor i arkitektur och visuella studier vid Bartlett University College i London. Läs mer om hans intresseområden genom att klicka på länken nedan.
Jonathan Hill